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  1 '''
  2 在学习过程中有什么不懂得可以加我的
  3 python学习交流扣扣qun,934109170
  4 群里有不错的学习教程、开发工具与电子书籍。
  5 与你分享python企业当下人才需求及怎么从零基础学习好python,和学习什么内容。
  6 '''    
  8 #!/usr/bin/env python
  9 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 11 import codecs
 12 import csv
 13 import os
 14 import random
 15 import re
 16 import sys
 17 import traceback
 18 from collections import OrderedDict
 19 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 20 from time import sleep
 22 import requests
 23 from lxml import etree
 24 from tqdm import tqdm
 27 class Weibo(object):
 28     cookie = {'Cookie': 'your cookie'}  # 将your cookie替换成自己的cookie
 30     def __init__(self, user_id, filter=0, pic_download=0):
 31         """Weibo类初始化"""
 32         if not isinstance(user_id, int):
 33             sys.exit(u'user_id值应为一串数字形式,请重新输入')
 34         if filter != 0 and filter != 1:
 35             sys.exit(u'filter值应为0或1,请重新输入')
 36         if pic_download != 0 and pic_download != 1:
 37             sys.exit(u'pic_download值应为0或1,请重新输入')
 38         self.user_id = user_id  # 用户id,即需要我们输入的数字,如昵称为"Dear-迪丽热巴"的id为1669879400
 39         self.filter = filter  # 取值范围为0、1,程序默认值为0,代表要爬取用户的全部微博,1代表只爬取用户的原创微博
 40         self.pic_download = pic_download  # 取值范围为0、1,程序默认值为0,代表不下载微博原始图片,1代表下载
 41         self.nickname = ''  # 用户昵称,如“Dear-迪丽热巴”
 42         self.weibo_num = 0  # 用户全部微博数
 43         self.got_num = 0  # 爬取到的微博数
 44         self.following = 0  # 用户关注数
 45         self.followers = 0  # 用户粉丝数
 46         self.weibo = []  # 存储爬取到的所有微博信息
 48     def deal_html(self, url):
 49         """处理html"""
 50         try:
 51             html = requests.get(url, cookies=self.cookie).content
 52             selector = etree.HTML(html)
 53             return selector
 54         except Exception as e:
 55             print('Error: ', e)
 56             traceback.print_exc()
 58     def deal_garbled(self, info):
 59         """处理乱码"""
 60         try:
 61             info = (info.xpath('string(.)').replace(u'\u200b', '').encode(
 62                 sys.stdout.encoding, 'ignore').decode(sys.stdout.encoding))
 63             return info
 64         except Exception as e:
 65             print('Error: ', e)
 66             traceback.print_exc()
 68     def get_nickname(self):
 69         """获取用户昵称"""
 70         try:
 71             url = 'https://weibo.cn/%d/info' % (self.user_id)
 72             selector = self.deal_html(url)
 73             nickname = selector.xpath('//title/text()')[0]
 74             self.nickname = nickname[:-3]
 75             if self.nickname == u'登录 - 新' or self.nickname == u'新浪':
 76                 sys.exit(u'cookie错误或已过期,请按照README中方法重新获取')
 77             print(u'用户昵称: ' + self.nickname)
 78         except Exception as e:
 79             print('Error: ', e)
 80             traceback.print_exc()
 82     def get_user_info(self, selector):
 83         """获取用户昵称、微博数、关注数、粉丝数"""
 84         try:
 85             self.get_nickname()  # 获取用户昵称
 86             user_info = selector.xpath("//div[@class='tip2']/*/text()")
 88             self.weibo_num = int(user_info[0][3:-1])
 89             print(u'微博数: ' + str(self.weibo_num))
 91             self.following = int(user_info[1][3:-1])
 92             print(u'关注数: ' + str(self.following))
 94             self.followers = int(user_info[2][3:-1])
 95             print(u'粉丝数: ' + str(self.followers))
 96             print('*' * 100)
 97         except Exception as e:
 98             print('Error: ', e)
 99             traceback.print_exc()
101     def get_page_num(self, selector):
102         """获取微博总页数"""
103         try:
104             if selector.xpath("//input[@name='mp']") == []:
105                 page_num = 1
106             else:
107                 page_num = (int)(
108                     selector.xpath("//input[@name='mp']")[0].attrib['value'])
109             return page_num
110         except Exception as e:
111             print('Error: ', e)
112             traceback.print_exc()
114     def get_long_weibo(self, weibo_link):
115         """获取长原创微博"""
116         try:
117             selector = self.deal_html(weibo_link)
118             info = selector.xpath("//div[@class='c']")[1]
119             wb_content = self.deal_garbled(info)
120             wb_time = info.xpath("//span[@class='ct']/text()")[0]
121             weibo_content = wb_content[wb_content.find(':') +
122                                        1:wb_content.rfind(wb_time)]
123             return weibo_content
124         except Exception as e:
125             print('Error: ', e)
126             traceback.print_exc()
128     def get_original_weibo(self, info, weibo_id):
129         """获取原创微博"""
130         try:
131             weibo_content = self.deal_garbled(info)
132             weibo_content = weibo_content[:weibo_content.rfind(u'')]
133             a_text = info.xpath('div//a/text()')
134             if u'全文' in a_text:
135                 weibo_link = 'https://weibo.cn/comment/' + weibo_id
136                 wb_content = self.get_long_weibo(weibo_link)
137                 if wb_content:
138                     weibo_content = wb_content
139             return weibo_content
140         except Exception as e:
141             print('Error: ', e)
142             traceback.print_exc()
144     def get_long_retweet(self, weibo_link):
145         """获取长转发微博"""
146         try:
147             wb_content = self.get_long_weibo(weibo_link)
148             weibo_content = wb_content[:wb_content.rfind(u'原文转发')]
149             return weibo_content
150         except Exception as e:
151             print('Error: ', e)
152             traceback.print_exc()
154     def get_retweet(self, info, weibo_id):
155         """获取转发微博"""
156         try:
157             original_user = info.xpath("div/span[@class='cmt']/a/text()")
158             if not original_user:
159                 wb_content = u'转发微博已被删除'
160                 return wb_content
161             else:
162                 original_user = original_user[0]
163             wb_content = self.deal_garbled(info)
164             wb_content = wb_content[wb_content.find(':') +
165                                     1:wb_content.rfind(u'')]
166             wb_content = wb_content[:wb_content.rfind(u'')]
167             a_text = info.xpath('div//a/text()')
168             if u'全文' in a_text:
169                 weibo_link = 'https://weibo.cn/comment/' + weibo_id
170                 weibo_content = self.get_long_retweet(weibo_link)
171                 if weibo_content:
172                     wb_content = weibo_content
173             retweet_reason = self.deal_garbled(info.xpath('div')[-1])
174             retweet_reason = retweet_reason[:retweet_reason.rindex(u'')]
175             wb_content = (retweet_reason + '\n' + u'原始用户: ' + original_user +
176                           '\n' + u'转发内容: ' + wb_content)
177             return wb_content
178         except Exception as e:
179             print('Error: ', e)
180             traceback.print_exc()
182     def is_original(self, info):
183         """判断微博是否为原创微博"""
184         is_original = info.xpath("div/span[@class='cmt']")
185         if len(is_original) > 3:
186             return False
187         else:
188             return True
190     def get_weibo_content(self, info, is_original):
191         """获取微博内容"""
192         try:
193             weibo_id = info.xpath('@id')[0][2:]
194             if is_original:
195                 weibo_content = self.get_original_weibo(info, weibo_id)
196             else:
197                 weibo_content = self.get_retweet(info, weibo_id)
198             print(weibo_content)
199             return weibo_content
200         except Exception as e:
201             print('Error: ', e)
202             traceback.print_exc()
204     def get_publish_place(self, info):
205         """获取微博发布位置"""
206         try:
207             div_first = info.xpath('div')[0]
208             a_list = div_first.xpath('a')
209             publish_place = u''
210             for a in a_list:
211                 if ('place.weibo.com' in a.xpath('@href')[0]
212                         and a.xpath('text()')[0] == u'显示地图'):
213                     weibo_a = div_first.xpath("span[@class='ctt']/a")
214                     if len(weibo_a) >= 1:
215                         publish_place = weibo_a[-1]
216                         if (u'视频' == div_first.xpath(
217                                 "span[@class='ctt']/a/text()")[-1][-2:]):
218                             if len(weibo_a) >= 2:
219                                 publish_place = weibo_a[-2]
220                             else:
221                                 publish_place = u''
222                         publish_place = self.deal_garbled(publish_place)
223                         break
224             print(u'微博发布位置: ' + publish_place)
225             return publish_place
226         except Exception as e:
227             print('Error: ', e)
228             traceback.print_exc()
230     def get_publish_time(self, info):
231         """获取微博发布时间"""
232         try:
233             str_time = info.xpath("div/span[@class='ct']")
234             str_time = self.deal_garbled(str_time[0])
235             publish_time = str_time.split(u'来自')[0]
236             if u'刚刚' in publish_time:
237                 publish_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
238             elif u'分钟' in publish_time:
239                 minute = publish_time[:publish_time.find(u'分钟')]
240                 minute = timedelta(minutes=int(minute))
241                 publish_time = (datetime.now() -
242                                 minute).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
243             elif u'今天' in publish_time:
244                 today = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
245                 time = publish_time[3:]
246                 publish_time = today + ' ' + time
247             elif u'' in publish_time:
248                 year = datetime.now().strftime('%Y')
249                 month = publish_time[0:2]
250                 day = publish_time[3:5]
251                 time = publish_time[7:12]
252                 publish_time = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + time
253             else:
254                 publish_time = publish_time[:16]
255             print(u'微博发布时间: ' + publish_time)
256             return publish_time
257         except Exception as e:
258             print('Error: ', e)
259             traceback.print_exc()
261     def get_publish_tool(self, info):
262         """获取微博发布工具"""
263         try:
264             str_time = info.xpath("div/span[@class='ct']")
265             str_time = self.deal_garbled(str_time[0])
266             if len(str_time.split(u'来自')) > 1:
267                 publish_tool = str_time.split(u'来自')[1]
268             else:
269                 publish_tool = u''
270             print(u'微博发布工具: ' + publish_tool)
271             return publish_tool
272         except Exception as e:
273             print('Error: ', e)
274             traceback.print_exc()
276     def get_weibo_footer(self, info):
277         """获取微博点赞数、转发数、评论数"""
278         try:
279             footer = {}
280             pattern = r'\d+'
281             str_footer = info.xpath('div')[-1]
282             str_footer = self.deal_garbled(str_footer)
283             str_footer = str_footer[str_footer.rfind(u''):]
284             weibo_footer = re.findall(pattern, str_footer, re.M)
286             up_num = int(weibo_footer[0])
287             print(u'点赞数: ' + str(up_num))
288             footer['up_num'] = up_num
290             retweet_num = int(weibo_footer[1])
291             print(u'转发数: ' + str(retweet_num))
292             footer['retweet_num'] = retweet_num
294             comment_num = int(weibo_footer[2])
295             print(u'评论数: ' + str(comment_num))
296             footer['comment_num'] = comment_num
297             return footer
298         except Exception as e:
299             print('Error: ', e)
300             traceback.print_exc()
302     def extract_picture_urls(self, info, weibo_id):
303         """提取微博原始图片url"""
304         try:
305             a_list = info.xpath('div/a/@href')
306             first_pic = 'https://weibo.cn/mblog/pic/' + weibo_id + '?rl=0'
307             all_pic = 'https://weibo.cn/mblog/picAll/' + weibo_id + '?rl=1'
308             if first_pic in a_list:
309                 if all_pic in a_list:
310                     selector = self.deal_html(all_pic)
311                     preview_picture_list = selector.xpath('//img/@src')
312                     picture_list = [
313                         p.replace('/thumb180/', '/large/')
314                         for p in preview_picture_list
315                     ]
316                     picture_urls = ','.join(picture_list)
317                 else:
318                     if info.xpath('.//img/@src'):
319                         preview_picture = info.xpath('.//img/@src')[-1]
320                         picture_urls = preview_picture.replace(
321                             '/wap180/', '/large/')
322                     else:
323                         sys.exit(
324                             u"爬虫微博可能被设置成了'不显示图片',请前往"
325                             u"'https://weibo.cn/account/customize/pic',修改为'显示'"
326                         )
327             else:
328                 picture_urls = ''
329             return picture_urls
330         except Exception as e:
331             print('Error: ', e)
332             traceback.print_exc()
334     def get_picture_urls(self, info, is_original):
335         """获取微博原始图片url"""
336         try:
337             weibo_id = info.xpath('@id')[0][2:]
338             picture_urls = {}
339             if is_original:
340                 original_pictures = self.extract_picture_urls(info, weibo_id)
341                 picture_urls['original_pictures'] = original_pictures
342                 if not self.filter:
343                     picture_urls['retweet_pictures'] = ''
344             else:
345                 retweet_url = info.xpath("div/a[@class='cc']/@href")[0]
346                 retweet_id = retweet_url.split('/')[-1].split('?')[0]
347                 retweet_pictures = self.extract_picture_urls(info, retweet_id)
348                 picture_urls['retweet_pictures'] = retweet_pictures
349                 a_list = info.xpath('div[last()]/a/@href')
350                 original_picture = ''
351                 for a in a_list:
352                     if a.endswith(('.gif', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png')):
353                         original_picture = a
354                         break
355                 picture_urls['original_pictures'] = original_picture
356             return picture_urls
357         except Exception as e:
358             print('Error: ', e)
359             traceback.print_exc()
361     def download_pic(self, url, pic_path):
362         """下载单张图片"""
363         try:
364             p = requests.get(url)
365             with open(pic_path, 'wb') as f:
366                 f.write(p.content)
367         except Exception as e:
368             error_file = self.get_filepath(
369                 'img') + os.sep + 'not_downloaded_pictures.txt'
370             with open(error_file, 'ab') as f:
371                 url = url + '\n'
372                 f.write(url.encode(sys.stdout.encoding))
373             print('Error: ', e)
374             traceback.print_exc()
376     def download_pictures(self):
377         """下载微博图片"""
378         try:
379             print(u'即将进行图片下载')
380             img_dir = self.get_filepath('img')
381             for w in tqdm(self.weibo, desc=u'图片下载进度'):
382                 if w['original_pictures'] != '':
383                     pic_prefix = w['publish_time'][:11].replace(
384                         '-', '') + '_' + w['id']
385                     if ',' in w['original_pictures']:
386                         w['original_pictures'] = w['original_pictures'].split(
387                             ',')
388                         for j, url in enumerate(w['original_pictures']):
389                             pic_suffix = url[url.rfind('.'):]
390                             pic_name = pic_prefix + '_' + str(j +
391                                                               1) + pic_suffix
392                             pic_path = img_dir + os.sep + pic_name
393                             self.download_pic(url, pic_path)
394                     else:
395                         pic_suffix = w['original_pictures'][
396                             w['original_pictures'].rfind('.'):]
397                         pic_name = pic_prefix + pic_suffix
398                         pic_path = img_dir + os.sep + pic_name
399                         self.download_pic(w['original_pictures'], pic_path)
400             print(u'图片下载完毕,保存路径:')
401             print(img_dir)
402         except Exception as e:
403             print('Error: ', e)
404             traceback.print_exc()
406     def get_one_weibo(self, info):
407         """获取一条微博的全部信息"""
408         try:
409             weibo = OrderedDict()
410             is_original = self.is_original(info)
411             if (not self.filter) or is_original:
412                 weibo['id'] = info.xpath('@id')[0][2:]
413                 weibo['content'] = self.get_weibo_content(info,
414                                                           is_original)  # 微博内容
415                 picture_urls = self.get_picture_urls(info, is_original)
416                 weibo['original_pictures'] = picture_urls[
417                     'original_pictures']  # 原创图片url
418                 if not self.filter:
419                     weibo['retweet_pictures'] = picture_urls[
420                         'retweet_pictures']  # 转发图片url
421                     weibo['original'] = is_original  # 是否原创微博
422                 weibo['publish_place'] = self.get_publish_place(info)  # 微博发布位置
423                 weibo['publish_time'] = self.get_publish_time(info)  # 微博发布时间
424                 weibo['publish_tool'] = self.get_publish_tool(info)  # 微博发布工具
425                 footer = self.get_weibo_footer(info)
426                 weibo['up_num'] = footer['up_num']  # 微博点赞数
427                 weibo['retweet_num'] = footer['retweet_num']  # 转发数
428                 weibo['comment_num'] = footer['comment_num']  # 评论数
429             else:
430                 weibo = None
431             return weibo
432         except Exception as e:
433             print('Error: ', e)
434             traceback.print_exc()
436     def get_one_page(self, page):
437         """获取第page页的全部微博"""
438         try:
439             url = 'https://weibo.cn/u/%d?page=%d' % (self.user_id, page)
440             selector = self.deal_html(url)
441             info = selector.xpath("//div[@class='c']")
442             is_exist = info[0].xpath("div/span[@class='ctt']")
443             if is_exist:
444                 for i in range(0, len(info) - 2):
445                     weibo = self.get_one_weibo(info[i])
446                     if weibo:
447                         self.weibo.append(weibo)
448                         self.got_num += 1
449                         print('-' * 100)
450         except Exception as e:
451             print('Error: ', e)
452             traceback.print_exc()
454     def get_filepath(self, type):
455         """获取结果文件路径"""
456         try:
457             file_dir = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(
458                 __file__))[0] + os.sep + 'weibo' + os.sep + self.nickname
459             if type == 'img':
460                 file_dir = file_dir + os.sep + 'img'
461             if not os.path.isdir(file_dir):
462                 os.makedirs(file_dir)
463             if type == 'img':
464                 return file_dir
465             file_path = file_dir + os.sep + '%d' % self.user_id + '.' + type
466             return file_path
467         except Exception as e:
468             print('Error: ', e)
469             traceback.print_exc()
471     def write_csv(self, wrote_num):
472         """将爬取的信息写入csv文件"""
473         try:
474             result_headers = [
475                 '微博id',
476                 '微博正文',
477                 '原始图片url',
478                 '发布位置',
479                 '发布时间',
480                 '发布工具',
481                 '点赞数',
482                 '转发数',
483                 '评论数',
484             ]
485             if not self.filter:
486                 result_headers.insert(3, '被转发微博原始图片url')
487                 result_headers.insert(4, '是否为原创微博')
488             result_data = [w.values() for w in self.weibo][wrote_num:]
489             if sys.version < '3':  # python2.x
490                 reload(sys)
491                 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
492                 with open(self.get_filepath('csv'), 'ab') as f:
493                     f.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8)
494                     writer = csv.writer(f)
495                     if wrote_num == 0:
496                         writer.writerows([result_headers])
497                     writer.writerows(result_data)
498             else:  # python3.x
499                 with open(self.get_filepath('csv'),
500                           'a',
501                           encoding='utf-8-sig',
502                           newline='') as f:
503                     writer = csv.writer(f)
504                     if wrote_num == 0:
505                         writer.writerows([result_headers])
506                     writer.writerows(result_data)
507             print(u'%d条微博写入csv文件完毕,保存路径:' % self.got_num)
508             print(self.get_filepath('csv'))
509         except Exception as e:
510             print('Error: ', e)
511             traceback.print_exc()
513     def write_txt(self, wrote_num):
514         """将爬取的信息写入txt文件"""
515         try:
516             temp_result = []
517             if wrote_num == 0:
518                 if self.filter:
519                     result_header = u'\n\n原创微博内容: \n'
520                 else:
521                     result_header = u'\n\n微博内容: \n'
522                 result_header = (u'用户信息\n用户昵称:' + self.nickname + u'\n用户id: ' +
523                                  str(self.user_id) + u'\n微博数: ' +
524                                  str(self.weibo_num) + u'\n关注数: ' +
525                                  str(self.following) + u'\n粉丝数: ' +
526                                  str(self.followers) + result_header)
527                 temp_result.append(result_header)
528             for i, w in enumerate(self.weibo[wrote_num:]):
529                 temp_result.append(
530                     str(wrote_num + i + 1) + ':' + w['content'] + '\n' +
531                     u'微博位置: ' + w['publish_place'] + '\n' + u'发布时间: ' +
532                     w['publish_time'] + '\n' + u'点赞数: ' + str(w['up_num']) +
533                     u'   转发数: ' + str(w['retweet_num']) + u'   评论数: ' +
534                     str(w['comment_num']) + '\n' + u'发布工具: ' +
535                     w['publish_tool'] + '\n\n')
536             result = ''.join(temp_result)
537             with open(self.get_filepath('txt'), 'ab') as f:
538                 f.write(result.encode(sys.stdout.encoding))
539             print(u'%d条微博写入txt文件完毕,保存路径:' % self.got_num)
540             print(self.get_filepath('txt'))
541         except Exception as e:
542             print('Error: ', e)
543             traceback.print_exc()
545     def write_file(self, wrote_num):
546         """写文件"""
547         if self.got_num > wrote_num:
548             self.write_csv(wrote_num)
549             self.write_txt(wrote_num)
551     def get_weibo_info(self):
552         """获取微博信息"""
553         try:
554             url = 'https://weibo.cn/u/%d' % (self.user_id)
555             selector = self.deal_html(url)
556             self.get_user_info(selector)  # 获取用户昵称、微博数、关注数、粉丝数
557             page_num = self.get_page_num(selector)  # 获取微博总页数
558             wrote_num = 0
559             page1 = 0
560             random_pages = random.randint(1, 5)
561             for page in tqdm(range(1, page_num + 1), desc=u'进度'):
562                 self.get_one_page(page)  # 获取第page页的全部微博
564                 if page % 20 == 0:  # 每爬20页写入一次文件
565                     self.write_file(wrote_num)
566                     wrote_num = self.got_num
568                 # 通过加入随机等待避免被限制。爬虫速度过快容易被系统限制(一段时间后限
569                 # 制会自动解除),加入随机等待模拟人的操作,可降低被系统限制的风险。默
570                 # 认是每爬取1到5页随机等待6到10秒,如果仍然被限,可适当增加sleep时间
571                 if page - page1 == random_pages and page < page_num:
572                     sleep(random.randint(6, 10))
573                     page1 = page
574                     random_pages = random.randint(1, 5)
576             self.write_file(wrote_num)  # 将剩余不足20页的微博写入文件
577             if not self.filter:
578                 print(u'共爬取' + str(self.got_num) + u'条微博')
579             else:
580                 print(u'共爬取' + str(self.got_num) + u'条原创微博')
581         except Exception as e:
582             print('Error: ', e)
583             traceback.print_exc()
585     def start(self):
586         """运行爬虫"""
587         try:
588             self.get_weibo_info()
589             print(u'信息抓取完毕')
590             print('*' * 100)
591             if self.pic_download == 1:
592                 self.download_pictures()
593         except Exception as e:
594             print('Error: ', e)
595             traceback.print_exc()
598 def main():
599     try:
600         # 使用实例,输入一个用户id,所有信息都会存储在wb实例中
601         user_id = 1669879400  # 可以改成任意合法的用户id(爬虫的微博id除外)
602         filter = 1  # 值为0表示爬取全部微博(原创微博+转发微博),值为1表示只爬取原创微博
603         pic_download = 1  # 值为0代表不下载微博原始图片,1代表下载微博原始图片
604         wb = Weibo(user_id, filter, pic_download)  # 调用Weibo类,创建微博实例wb
605         wb.start()  # 爬取微博信息
606         print(u'用户昵称: ' + wb.nickname)
607         print(u'全部微博数: ' + str(wb.weibo_num))
608         print(u'关注数: ' + str(wb.following))
609         print(u'粉丝数: ' + str(wb.followers))
610         if wb.weibo:
611             print(u'最新/置顶 微博为: ' + wb.weibo[0]['content'])
612             print(u'最新/置顶 微博位置: ' + wb.weibo[0]['publish_place'])
613             print(u'最新/置顶 微博发布时间: ' + wb.weibo[0]['publish_time'])
614             print(u'最新/置顶 微博获得赞数: ' + str(wb.weibo[0]['up_num']))
615             print(u'最新/置顶 微博获得转发数: ' + str(wb.weibo[0]['retweet_num']))
616             print(u'最新/置顶 微博获得评论数: ' + str(wb.weibo[0]['comment_num']))
617             print(u'最新/置顶 微博发布工具: ' + wb.weibo[0]['publish_tool'])
618     except Exception as e:
619         print('Error: ', e)
620         traceback.print_exc()
623 if __name__ == '__main__':
624     main()


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